ThoughtStorms Wiki
Why is the mainstream media so keen to reveal the identities of online bloggers etc. even when asked not to?
Maybe this is a clash of different intuitions about managing identity and privacy? Media thinks revealing who you are is a crucial piece of disclosure and honesty. Whereas those more used to the online world (and its dangers) expect more control over their privacy?
Or is it part of a power-struggle between the old-media and the new? Or even an unconscious resentment by those working in the old-media at the "success" of the new? Or prejudice? Or group-think?
Anyway, there seem to be some unfortunate cases recently.
The SlateStarCodex story. (See that page)
RealSexyCyborg :
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- patternlanguageforthesocialnetworkdenseclustersconnectiontothemedia
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