ThoughtStorms Wiki
It's been around for a long time. Read JillWalkerRettberg : http://jilltxt.net/?p=1292
Some 80s systems: https://fibery.io/blog/hypertext-tools-from-the-80s/
- Drexler on Hypertext : http://www.foresight.org/WebEnhance/HPEK1.html#anchor326330
- In wiki : PageNamesAreConcrete
- HypertextVsHierarchy
- ADocumentIsNotATree
- What's the difference in meaning of sentences containing links vs. the same words without links : HyperSemantics
On Links
- TypedLinks
- OneWayLinks
- LinkingVsCiting
- HyperTextPatterns
- JornBarger on where hypertext should go : http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=16e613ec.0302190105.7f8db4b5%40posting.google.com&rnum=1&filter=0
- HyperTextCanalization
- Beware HypertextSickness
Other hypertext systems
- ToolsForThought
- MindOrganizer
- What is NODAL?
Compare :
- HyperCard
- HyperMedia (hyper-linking more than text)
Backlinks (59 items)
- AcademiaVsNewMedia
- ChipMorningstar
- CuteWebGenerators
- CyberText
- DynamicIdeography
- EricDrexler
- FeralHyperText
- GardenImagologies
- GranularityOfScholarlyWriting
- HistoryFlow
- HyperMedia
- HyperMusic
- HyperScope
- HyperSemantics
- HyperTextPattern
- HyperTexts
- HypertextSickness
- HypertextVsHierarchy
- InteractiveFiction
- JillWalkerRettberg
- KnowledgeGraph
- KnowledgeWeb
- LinesOfThought
- LinkedFragments
- MindOrganizer
- MusicHeralds
- OnCreativity
- OnMedia
- OnText
- OnWiki
- OneWayLinks
- OpenSourceAndOpenSociety
- PageParadigm
- PatternLanguageForTheSocialNetwork
- PersonalHyperText
- ReconnectingTheSmallPieces
- RichHyperText
- ScalesOfOrganization
- SdiDesk
- SilvaRhetoricae
- SimonBuckinghamShum
- SocialSoftwareTheTerm
- SpreadsheetsAndWiki
- SystemEvolvingTowardsMoreSmallerSpecialistComponents
- TedNelson
- TheGardenOfForkingPaths
- TheOpenSocietyAndItsMedia
- TinderBox
- ToolsForThought
- TopicsDiscussedHere
- Transclusion
- WhyCantThingsBeEasier
- WhyMicroContent
- WikiAndXml
- WikiIsLikeFoldedProtein
- WikiManifesto2012
- Xanadu
- ZigZag