ThoughtStorms Wiki
A new name for SocialSoftware / YASNS
- SocialMediaStrife
- SocialMediaThought
- In a sense, represents the move towards "television" and control that social-software has undergone recently (eg. TheProblemWithFacebook)
- Previously WeMedia
Compare TheAgeOfInformation, TheWorldOfHipHop, NetoCracy
Backlinks (55 items)
- 1729
- 1984
- AudioSocialNetwork
- CommunicationOverload
- ComputersAsTheatre
- ConversationGarden
- CyberWarfare
- DaveWinerOnPublishing
- EnclosingLoneliness
- EpistemologicalLiberalismAndConservatism
- FavelaDigital
- FourthGenerationPolitics
- FreedomOfSpeechIsWeird
- GlobalGuerrillas
- GlobalSocial
- HappySlapping
- HonestMistakes
- HughMacleod
- InteractiveTelevision
- IvanIllich
- JaronLanier
- LifeStreams
- MailingLists
- MicroPaymentsOnBlockChains
- MicroPenaltiesForMicroInfractions
- MyFearsAboutAI
- NetworkPropaganda
- NewEphemeral
- OnBadges
- PersonalBranding
- PersonalHomePage
- PlatformCapitalism
- PoliticalStuff
- RatSelfie
- RunningASocialPlatform
- RussianAttackOnWesternLiberalDemocracy
- SidewalkSecurity
- SocialMediaAtWar
- SocialMediaBots
- SocialMediaStrife
- SocialMediaThought
- SocialSoftwareTheTerm
- SockPuppets
- SurprisingArrival
- TheUltimatePlatformWar
- TheVoiceWeb
- TikTok
- TimBray
- TomCoatesTwoDimensions
- TribalatiTheGame
- TrollFarms
- VirtualSocietalWarfare
- WeMedia