
ThoughtStorms Wiki

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{:type :twitter, :url "", :title "", :caption "DareObasanjo : \n\nThe Come Back Alive patreon I tweeted about earlier which is a charity that uses donations for military supplies & training for the Ukrainian Army has been suspended by Patreon for violating their terms of service.\n\nOver time all mass consumer products will need wartime policies.\nOver time all mass consumer products will need wartime policies.\n\n\nPatreon tweets :\n\n1/2 We understand people's desire to support humanitarian activities in #Ukraine. Patreon does not allow funds raised on the platform to be used to support violence or purchasing of military equipment.\n\n2/2 We have suspended a campaign while we investigate. If a page is removed after investigation, we always send the creator the remaining funds or refund all pledges. Our policy is here:\n\n\n(See also RussianInvasionOfUkraine2022)\n"}
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