ThoughtStorms Wiki
Context : OnLanguage, OnText
Alphabets beat ideograms / hieroglyphs
- fewer to learn, easier to learn to read
- easier to comine
- easier to make movable type printing
- easier to make typewriters and keyboards
(Of course ideograms might work better on TabletComputers)
(See also : BangTheRocksTogether)
GordonBrander on Small Alphabets : http://gordonbrander.com/pattern/small-alphabets/
Backlinks (25 items)
- AlwaysBetOnText
- AsemicWriting
- BangTheRocksTogether
- ChineseWriting
- DynamicIdeography
- EmergentNetworkProtocols
- FormatWarsAsWorldOfEnds
- InformationalistReductionOfCapitalism
- LanguageOrientedProgramming
- LearningNetworks
- LinkLanguage
- MediaInConflict
- OnLanguage
- OnMedia
- OnText
- OnTypography
- PowerPoint
- QuickNotations
- SmartAscii
- SoftwareLessonsFromHowBuildingsLearn
- SparkLines
- StigmergicSystems
- SystemEvolvingTowardsMoreSmallerSpecialistComponents
- WritingMoneyMagic
- ZFascism