ThoughtStorms Wiki
Part of ThoughtsOnNewMedia
(In the media case, value can be read as content)
Networks create value ...
- where you find and aggregate a lot of insignificant things together to make something sort of significant
- where the network itself becomes the subject
Examples :
Maybe they also destroy value by making us WikiSick / MarketsAsBonfiresOfReason
See also :
- ValuingNetworks
- OnNetworks
- there's a wider discourse on epistemology and networks on ConspiracyTheories
Backlinks (24 items)
- AllMediaTalkAboutThemselves
- AmazonNetworkMagic
- BlogRoll
- ConformityVsDiversityOfPlatforms
- ConspiracyTheories
- EmergentData
- GlobalVillage
- GoogleJuice
- LearningNetworks
- LogServerAnalysis
- MarketsAreConversations
- OnNetworks
- OpenSourceParadigmShift
- ReallyBigButton
- RyzeNetworking
- SnowballEffect
- SocialNetworkingSoftware
- StupidNetwork
- ThoughtsOnNewMedia
- TypedThreadedDiscussion
- ValuingNetworks
- WeakLinks
- WorldsWithinWheels
- YouPlayWithIt