
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Part of the early invention of SocialNetworking.

Each blogger puts a list of people they follow / recommend at the side of their blog. In TheGutter

Obviously this was later superseded by other more sophisticated / integrated social software.

But could be part of the IndieWeb / WebRenewal conventions.


Weblogging convention has it that a weblogger (blogger) puts a list of links to other weblogs he / she is currently reading, down the side of the weblog page. (In TheGutter). This list both positions the blog in the BlogoSphere , and bends the shape of the BlogoSphere. BlogRolling is typically reciprocated by others on the list, so BlogRolls make a tight, interconnected cluster of weblogs, representing a cluster of common interest or thought.

Thus the blogroll is a place, a well of web gravity, where according to TheFlowInternet, a story of interest falls in and finds itself perpetuated in resonant discussion between members of the roll; whereas it is soon gone from other nodes