ThoughtStorms Wiki
- SilvaRhetoricae is an amazing site about rhetoric : One of the best sites on the web IMHO.)
- OnPersuasion
- PoliticalRhetoric
- GreatRhetoric
- HigherGroundManoeuvre
- RhetoricOfScience
- ArgumentationTheory
- PaulFordOnMediaLanguages
- (WarpLink)BodyLanguage
- BigData needs it
- Interesting blog missiontotransition.blogspot.com
DaveWiner on helping GeorgeLakoff's RockridgeInstitute get new media http://www.scripting.com/stories/2008/02/27/timesTheyAreAChanging.html
Some interesting thinking in that post but also it's a long time ago.
Compare :
See also :
- OnCaptology,
- ArgumentMapping
- TypesOfPower
- PhilAgreOnSocialSkills
- (WarpLink) Tragedy in electronic literature : http://www.natematias.com/cam/trag-elit/
Backlinks (34 items)
- AcceptingChange
- AmericanExistentialism
- ArgumentMapping
- ArgumentationTheory
- BecomingConservative
- BenedictXvi
- BodyLanguage
- BounceBack
- Captology
- EconomicHealth
- FantasyIdeology
- FightingRightWingPopulism
- GeorgeLakoff
- GravelInstitute
- GreatRhetoric
- GreenDoomsdayNarratives
- LiberalBias
- OnEssays
- OnPersuasion
- OnPower
- PaulFordOnMediaLanguages
- PoliticalCharacter
- PoliticalMapping
- PoliticalRhetoric
- RhetoricOfScience
- ShapeRotatorAndWordcel
- SilvaRhetoricae
- TaggingAndFraming
- TelevisionTropes
- ThePowerOfLies
- TheScientificStatusOfPatterns
- TheWorldBelongsToStoryTellers
- UniversitiesAndChurches
- ValueOfArguing