ThoughtStorms Wiki
It's important to grasp the problem of granularity. Most systems or worlds of interacting things have a granularity of discrete actions and events. Rough, approximate theories, the kind we need everywhere from economics and politics, ethics to ecology to statistical mechanics, are hostage to granularity. If the granularity of transactions were at a different scale, the effects may be very different.
- MicroValue, MicroContent, PlentyOfRoomAtTheBottom - if there is micro-value, finer granularity captures it
- How do you make small stuff? BangTheRocksTogether
- TimBernersLee uses the term FractalSociety to discuss granularity issues on the web
- SituatedSoftware suggests that we're going to see more right-size applications, suited to their scalar niche.
- QuantitativeEthics / IsMassNatural - what if our actions are OK at a small scale, wrong at a grand scale?
- LeftAndRightAndScale - the granularity issue in politics. What scale do we owe allegiance to? The short, medium, long term? The local community, the current planetary population, humanity forever?
- ZbigniewLukasiak says : MassMedia and mass media induced culture is deprived of this characteristic. I hope the new Internet media will fix this mistake:
- When you design your systems you break them into modules, but you might make a GranularityMistake
- Hierarchies of scale in TypesOfHierarchy
- Granularity in time :
** ExtremeProgramming says it's very short
Backlinks (45 items)
- AgainstFinishedness
- AnarchyScalesBeautifully
- BangTheRocksTogether
- ConformityVsDiversityOfPlatforms
- DesignGranularity
- DesignersDilemma
- FinerGrained
- FractalCleanUpCrew
- FractalSociety
- Glancing
- GranularityMistake
- GranularityOfScholarlyWriting
- GranularityProblem
- HumanScale
- IAmNeverGoingToGetFamousWithMyWiki
- InDefenceOfIntellectualProperty
- InDefenceOfLongSpecificDocuments
- InformationCards
- IsMassNatural
- LocalFineGrainRemoteCoarseGrained
- MicroChunking
- MicroContent
- MicroInsurance
- OnCreativity
- OnFractals
- OnModularity
- OnScale
- OnSoil
- PartySelfOrganization
- PatternLanguageForTheSocialNetwork
- ProductivityOfKnowledgeWork
- ScalesOfOrganization
- ScalesOfSocialOrganization
- ScalingMyth
- ScalingWikiCommunities
- SituatedSoftware
- SmallTools
- SystemEvolvingTowardsMoreSmallerSpecialistComponents
- TheAlbum
- TheRightAbstraction
- ThemesOfThisWiki
- TradeOffBetweenGlobalAndLocal
- TypesOfHierarchies
- WhyMicroContent