ThoughtStorms Wiki
DavidBrin article : https://web.archive.org/web/20070108161821/http://www.davidbrin.com/disputationarticle1.html (was http://www.davidbrin.com/disputationarticle1.html)
The internet can create another domain of free discussion / debate / creative experiment, as long as we have accountability.
I'm now using DA to mean any structured format for expressing disagreement or argument which can allow it to remain constructive rather than deteriorate into fighting.
Contrast :
See also :
- Maybe TypedThreadedDiscussion is a move towards a DA
- Wikipedia has something of it
Backlinks (35 items)
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- NetoCracyMediaAgainstTheState
- OnArgument
- OnlineDebate
- OpinionAggregators
- PoliticalDebate
- PredictionMarketsForPoliticalDebate
- RightWingBlogMobsVsLeftWingAcademics
- TheLeftTheoryOfDisagreement
- TheOpenSocietyAndItsMedia
- TheStruggleOfNarratives
- TypedThreadedDiscussion
- ValueOfArguing
- WikiArchy