ThoughtStorms Wiki
Platforms or economic / ecological niches.
ChristopherAlexander defines his patterns as being both patterns of space and patterns of activity. Platforms are both patterns of information and patterns of activity.
General theory
- AddressableThings
- PlatformWars
- WhatArePlatforms
- ConformityVsDiversityOfPlatforms
- ConservationOfModularity
- Enshittification
Things which are platforms
- TheUserIsThePlatform / UniversalCommunicator
- WeblogsAsPlatforms
- RssAsAPlatform
- Economies and currencies
- ProgrammingLanguages as platforms : TheArchitectureOfParticipation
- C++ dominance : http://ejohnson.blogs.com/software/2004/11/ifindc_intere.html
- PhonesAsHackablePlatforms
- TimBray on the danger of being a share-cropper : TheWebsThePlace
- AdamBosworth : http://www.adambosworth.net/archives/000026.html
- JohnRobb says the BazaarOfViolence is one, so taming a bazaar and NationState/NationBuilding is a kind of PlatformWar
A marketing perspective : http://software.ericsink.com/Positioning.html
Backlinks (30 items)
- AddressableThings
- BazaarOfViolence
- BlobJects
- ConformityVsDiversityOfPlatforms
- EconomiesInVirtualPlaces
- Enshittification
- GrowingALanguage
- InformationArchitectureOfThisWiki
- MicroContent
- MoneyAsNetworkProtocol
- NewEconomyCurriculum
- OnDemonstrations
- OnEclipse
- OpenSourceParadigmShift
- PhonesAsHackablePlatforms
- PlatformWars
- ReligiousWarsOfProgrammingLanguages
- SoftwareSupplyChain
- TheArchitectureOfParticipation
- TheLogicOfPlatformWars
- TheNetworkIsTheComputer
- TheUserIsThePlatform
- TheWebsThePlace
- ThemesOfThisWiki
- UnComputer
- UniversalCommunicator
- WeblogsAsPlatforms
- WhatArePlatforms
- WorldsWithinWheels