ThoughtStorms Wiki
Context: ArtificialIntelligence
(ReadWith) LanguageModelAgents
ChatGPT - Chat interface to it
LangChainAI - build apps by chaining calls to GPT with other functions.
In some ways the embedding is one of the cleverest bits : VectorDatabase
LongNet has up to a billion(!) tokens in its context window.
Sending the most important tokens
See also:
Backlinks (85 items)
- AIAndEducationExploded
- AIHallucination
- AIPoetry
- AgainstLanguageModels
- AgentBasedModelling
- AgenticAI
- AlpacaLM
- ArtificialIntelligence
- ArtificialIntelligenceInToolsForThought
- AutoGPT
- AutonomousAgents
- BiasInAlgorithms
- BranderOnLLMsAndSigningEverything
- BullshitGenerator
- ChainOfThought
- ChatBots
- ChatGPT
- ChatThing
- CommandLineAI
- CommercialRobotics
- CustomLanguageModels
- CyberText
- DSPy
- Diffusers
- EvolvingLLMCulture
- ExplainPaper
- FactCheckingLLMs
- FermatWS
- FinancialLLMs
- GenerativePretrainedTransformer
- GranularityOfScholarlyWriting
- IdiosyncraticFolding
- InstructorLibrary
- KnowledgeGraphsAndLanguageModels
- LLMEasyTools
- LLMGasLighting
- LLMsAnalyticSynthetic
- LLMsAndPostmodernism
- LMStudio
- LangChain
- LangChainAI
- LanguageEmbeddings
- LanguageModel
- LanguageModelApps
- LanguageModelHardware
- LanguageModelTheoryOfMind
- LanguageModelsAsLanguageServers
- LinguisticIntelligence
- LlamaLineage
- LlamaStack
- MakeYourOwnLanguageModel
- MixtureOfExperts
- MyAIPredictionsOverTheYears
- MyFearsAboutAI
- NLPSquared
- NeuralNetworks
- NewAIStack
- OnPrompts
- OnTheDangersOfStochasticParrots
- OpenPlayground
- OpenSourceLanguageModels
- Orra
- PaLM-E
- PhilJones
- PlatformWars
- PromptBreeder
- PythonDataflow
- QuietSTaR
- RecommendationGraph
- Reprompting
- RetrievalAugmentedGeneration
- ShapeRotatorsMadeAWordcel
- ShareGPT
- SparsePrimingRepresentations
- SteveYeggeOnLanguageModels
- TableGPT
- TheoryOfMind
- ThoughtStorms
- Transformers
- VeRA
- VectorDatabase
- VicunaLM
- WordTour