ThoughtStorms Wiki
More or less most ArtificialIntelligence these days is done through Machine Learning. Ie. throwing huge data-sets at number crunching algorithms. And getting the machine to fit patterns to it.
- The Mechanics of Machine Learning book :
- NeuralNetworks are the most common example. See Connectionism for a bit more philosophical stuff on them.
- Transformers/GenerativePretrainedTransformer. Not quite sure if they are or aren't Neural Networks. But do the same kind of thing.
- SupportVectorMachines and other statistical methods are also not
- Even GeneticAlgorithms are a kind of "learning" but with a different metaphor.
- ProjectEuclid seems to be philosophical.
- ExplainableAI is a challenge
Machine learning efficiency is outpacing MooresLaw
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