ThoughtStorms Wiki
My problem is that not only am I lazy by temperament, but I also find laziness both intellectually exciting and aesthetically pleasing.
The design principle of laziness
- WabiSabi
- LazyWeb
- WorseIsBetter
- EmergentData
- SloppyAndForgiving
- BigBallOfMud
- InteroperabilityCanProceedWithoutPairwiseCooperation
- PhenotropicProgramming
- LateBinding
- OrganicArchitecture
- AgainstFinishedness
- OneWayLinks
- InnovatorsDilemma
- StupidNetwork
- KeepItStupid
- ListenToTheMachines
- TheresAnEasierWayToDoIt / HandWavingProofThatTheresAlwaysAnEasierWayToDoIt
- HandicapPrinciple
- WhatYouDontHaveToDo
- LazyWayToSuccess
- FailQuicklyAndObviously is probably also a lazy strategy
Not everyone appreciates it :
Contrast : HardworkGene
See also OnWiki, AgainstTyping