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Offshoring is when work is exported to cheaper countries with sufficiently educated work-forces. OutSourcing is subcontracting work to other (more specialist) companies.
But people often use these terms interchangeably.
- OffShoringWhyIsItInteresting?
- For de-industrializing countries coping
- OffShoringTheNextBigThing
- I have some thoughts on WhatCivilizedGovernmentsShouldDoAboutOffShoring
- OffshoringDebateWithGraham about off-shoring and skill-levels (See also BlairiteEducationPolicy)
- Software centric : FreeSoftwareAndOffShoring
- Nov 2003, rant on Tribe via Blog :
See also :
- Automation is also a going to remove jobs : ProductivityOfKnowledgeWork, AutomatingMechanicalJobs
- ClassWarBetweenProductsAndServices
- Post Industrial Malaise
- It's LabourArbitrage
- The DigitalDeathRattleOfTheAmericanMiddleClass
- More :
- Essays by RaymondDonaldPairan on off-shoring
Contrast :
- JohnSeelyBrown thinks TheOnlySustainableEdge is in making connections that help your organization learn. OffShoring is not about labour arbitrage but making connections with centres of greater knowledge.
In other words, this is another version of FourthGenerationWar's GrandStrategy which focuses on strengthening connections to centres of stability and order, and loosening them to centres of disorder. So Seely Brown thinks you strengthen connections to centres of innovation.
(See also : SocialOriginOfGoodIdeas and RecommendationArchitecture)
See also : WiredSweatshops
- OffshoringJournalism
- The pitfalls of outsourcing programmers.
- GrahamLally commented (
Whilst I like chocolates, I'm not sure quite what this piece tries to say. I'd say that there's a more over-reaching trade-off that gets touched upon, between quality/innovation, and mass-production. But, as Phil points out, some barriers that exist today with regards to off-shoring may well not exist in the future, as advances in communications and educational/working methodologies make labour location less and less important.
From this, I'd say that the point the article misses is that off-shoring doesn't necessarily lead to lack of innovation - that's quite possible by simply having a company consisting entirely of under-imaginative and/or under-skilled drones that only know how to pump out code in a particular way. Innovation is much more than simply location and resource management.
- GrahamLally commented (
- DanielDavies :
- Offshoring is about education : But remember BlairiteEducationPolicy
- Agile OffShoring :
Outsourcing in Canada (OnCanada) :
Prediction of Offshoring to India
Five years from now, a significant portion of the Silicon Valley infrastructure – venture capitalists, lawyers, advertising and marketing agencies, etc. - will have operations in Bangalore, helping local entrepreneurs move into global markets quickly. Many talented software engineers, trained in the leading-edge technologies by larger corporations, will be drawn by this infrastructure to leave their safe havens and build their own business. A vibrant community of software startups will drive the next wave of innovation in the city.
See also :
Backlinks (46 items)
- AfterAmericanWarOnIraq
- AnotherIndustrialRevolution
- AutomatingMechanicalJobs
- BlairiteEducationPolicy
- BusinessModel
- CheapChineseCars
- China
- ClassWarBetweenProductsAndServices
- CrazyBrazilianInvasion
- DigitalDeathRattleOfTheAmericanMiddleClass
- EconomiesInVirtualPlaces
- EdYourdon
- FeudalismCapitalismOpenSourceCapitalism
- FreeSoftwareAndOffShoring
- GlobalVillage
- GlobalizingKnowledgeWork
- GoogleJuice
- India
- JohnHagel
- LabourArbitrage
- NoLogo
- OffShored
- OffShoring
- OffShoringWhyIsItInteresting
- OffshoringJournalism
- OldPoliticalStuff
- OnGlobalization
- OnImmigration
- OnMobility
- OnProductivity
- OnServants
- OnWhiggery
- OutSourcing
- ProductivityOfKnowledgeWork
- SeekingSimilarStatus
- ServiceSector
- SituatedSoftware
- SoftPower
- SoftwareSupplyChain
- TheAgeOfAccess
- TheCollapseOfTheEmpire
- TheMiddleClass
- TheTechnologiesIdLikeToResearch
- TheToolsWagTheDog
- UnionsStrengthenTheEconomy
- WhatCivilizedGovernmentsShouldDoAboutOffShoring