ThoughtStorms Wiki
20th century philosopher. Normally credited as philosopher of science or political philosopher, but I think ought to be recognised as an epistemologist.
areas of interest :
- most famous for his PhilosophyOfScience Falsificationism
- epistemology : PopperianEpistemology (more interesting I think)
- political philosophy (TheOpenSociety)
- especially via the book TheOpenSocietyAndItsEnemies
- philosophy of mind
- PopperAsExistentialist
Online :
- brief description : http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/popper/
- Rafe Champion's Rat-house : http://www.the-rathouse.com/
Friend of FriedrichHayek
Don't know yet what to make of Friesianism ....
Quora Answer : What are the best books on the life and work of Karl Popper?
I recommend his autobiography Unended Quest. That gave me a couple of insights that helped me frame his thinking and come to a better understanding.
Also, I love the extracts about the pre-Socratics in the David Miller edited selections book. I think the original is called The World of Parmenides or something, though I haven't read that.
11 PageNames containing "Popper"
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84 Pages containing " Popper"
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