
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Hacker and FreeSoftware activist.

Founder of the FreeSoftwareFoundation, creator of the GnuGeneralPublicLicense and wrote much of the modern version of the Emacs editor.

2023 : Fuck! He has cancer

Quora Answer : Why is Richard Stallman more important than Elon Musk?

Dec 15

Richard Stallman is the man who saw, long before most people, the danger that a world eaten by software would be to our rights and freedoms.

If everything you can do in a wired technological society is constrained by software. And software is a black-box controlled by self-interested corporations, who are backed up by draconian intellectual property laws. Then your freedom has effectively gone. You can act only in so far as the software lets you. And the software is hard-coded tyranny.

Most people are just starting to wake up, now, in the 2020s, to the risks of handing control over too much of their lives to big tech. They see what Facebook knows about them. They look across at what China is doing with social credit. And they shudder. But have no idea what to do about it.

But Stallman could see those problems coming in the early 1980s, and was already trying to organize resistance to them, and to redirect the future in a better, healthier and free-er direction.

Stallman wasn't just thinking about programmers. He has stories from the 80s and 90s warning how, say, DRM would make lending books to friends, impossible. (Which is exactly what happened with e-books. People don't lend books to their friends, and the second hand book market is effectively non-existent).

Stallman was thinking about all the ways that those who control the software control our lives, from long, long before it was fashionable.

And he tried his hardest to change the future away from that.

He had a plan :

Politically aware programmers, with a sense of moral purpose, would write software that was deliberately free, whose source-code was open for anyone to read, study, learn from and change, so that users wouldn't be controlled by it. Users would know what their software was doing. And if they didn't like it, could change it to something they did like. Software enabled tyranny would be avoided because ownership of and control of software would be out there in public. Not controlled by corporations or governments.

It was a bold and visionary plan. In many ways before its time. Too few people understood it.

(And it didn't help, that in the 90s, Eric Raymond and Tim O'Reilly came along to sabotage it by claiming that free-software was really just about good business sense and hacker culture, man. And not about morality and the struggle for freedom, at all.)

Of course Stallman comes across as having bee in his bonnet. And most people, unfortunately, ignore him. That's because he's the genuine article. A bona-fide moral visionary. One of the few of our times.

Elon Musk is a bit of an arse. Yes, he's doing good work helping to shift the world to electric cars. That's a "good thing (tm)" and I won't take that away from him. He's also, kind of a "visionary" for putting his money where his mouth is, and doing his bit to push space exploration and Mars colonization. Although I think it's too early for that and he isn't going to succeed. (It's also a "vision" that's remarkably 1950s retro. But sure, give Musk some credit for that.)

But Stallman's GPL should be up there with the Magna Carta and the American Constitution, as another major milestone in legal history and the struggle to protect and guarantee human freedom. It's the only interesting and possibly viable response to the dangers we currently face from a future of ubiquitous computing and networking.

The are only two alternatives in our future. Either our devices are open, and we control them and get them to do what we want because we can program them. Or our devices are closed and controlled by other people, and those other people control us through our devices. (And good luck "opting out" of using devices and ubiquitous social media services if you want to stay a functioning member of society.)

Stallman pretty much saw this 40 years ago. And has been fighting to bring us the first alternative ever since. He's spent his life talking about the dangers, talking about the solutions, and encouraging programmers to join the moral and political movement in favour of defending human freedom from technological tyranny.

That makes him one of the most important political and moral leaders of our times. And possibly of any times in human history.

See also :

Phil Jones (He / Him)'s answer to Will the Free Software Foundation become irrelevant if Clang makes GCC obsolete?

Me on Twitter replying to GrahamLally


I think Stallman's politics is left and libertarian (where libertarian is "extreme liberal"). The intuition most of us had originally is that with enough freedom, the good drives out the bad. As you know, I think we might be discovering that that is "wrong" in some sense ... \1

But it's still a viable and attractive intuition.

And, yes, the GPL etc. is built on that. So freedom is more important than trying to constrain people to do good. \2

Furthermore ... pragmatically, this appeal to pure freedom clearly engages and recruits more people than if Stallman had tried to use GPL to enforce his own wider political views. You have "right-libertarians" (ESR, or Lessig) on-board with GPL. \3

Finally, I think there is a question whether you could legally codify and enforce restrictions on use. GPL is all about hacking existing copyright law and its definition of "derivative". Because derivation is a well established legal idea, that bit is "easy". \4

Obviously other things like CC or GPL Affero start putting more restrictions (Eg. non-commercial, or "can't use the software on a server without sharing") which push the envelope a bit. I'm sure others have tried to put restrictions eg. "can't use for military" into licenses \5

Whether those have ever been tested in court, I'm not sure.

I'm inclined to think that this is right. You try to undermine copyright through the legal GPL, and address other politics / morals through community practice, codes of conduct, culture rather than enforcing \6

That feels right to me ... but I admit maybe that's my libertarian bias showing through.

What I think certain is that law isn't a viable substitute for politics and community. If people want to be racist, a license in the blogging software can't / won't stop them \7

OTOH, I do think that platforms like Twitter and FB can and should enforce standards in their users, and chucking people off for dangerous disinformation or hate speech is fine. Just as a pub has the right to chuck out an aggressive drunken customer. \8

But that's based on a different principle. If you create a communal space, you have rights and responsibilities to keep that space healthy.

In summary, GPL is actively against imposing restrictions on particular uses. And I think that's fine. That's how it should be. \9

But that's because of the kind of thing the GPL is and software is.

People running platforms / communities can and should worry about the codes of practice, netiquette, policing abusive behaviour and the political fight against fascism.

That's where it should happen \10

Most importantly, EVERYTHING we face today was predicted in… and everyone should go back, read, and think seriously about that. You cannot separate tech. from politics. \end

Contrast EricRaymond (RaymondVsStallman)


Stallman's RSS Feed

Tue Jun 18 08:20:53 BRT 2024
Main parties' NHS-austerity plans, UK ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:52 BRT 2024
Tory and Labour parties' popular decline ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:51 BRT 2024
SWE trades IRN assassin for "spy" ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:50 BRT 2024
Urgent: Turning away asylum seekers ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:48 BRT 2024
No-fault divorce as next target ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:46 BRT 2024
Amy Pritchard fuel-rebel climate-keeper ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:44 BRT 2024
Adobe Inc boundaries ) ... Tue Jun 18 08:20:40 BRT 2024
Cheng Lei ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:48 BRT 2024
Analyzing Labour party platform, UK ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:47 BRT 2024
Project 2025 ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:46 BRT 2024
Aid delivery hampered, ISR ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:45 BRT 2024
Drug war's damage in Cent. Am. forests ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:44 BRT 2024
Online addictive-feeds law, NY ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:44 BRT 2024
Four Tops lead singer fiasco, Detroit ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:43 BRT 2024
Chiquita Banana as terrorist ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:42 BRT 2024
Toy gun return, fatal misreading, WA ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:41 BRT 2024
When voting about the greedy pricing ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:40 BRT 2024
New push for gas export terminals ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:39 BRT 2024
Media-addiction recovery ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:38 BRT 2024
Republicans on the Big Oil lawsuits ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:37 BRT 2024
US sanctions against informal group, ISR ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:37 BRT 2024
Urgent: fake abortion clinics ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:35 BRT 2024
Urgent: Netanyahu's invitation to Congress ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:35 BRT 2024
NHS failing profits some politicians, UK ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:34 BRT 2024
Urgent: overturn "Citizens" United decision ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:33 BRT 2024
Urgent: Ban certain political contributions ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:33 BRT 2024
Urgent: Undo tax cuts for the rich ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:32 BRT 2024
Divorce as illegal, USA ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:31 BRT 2024
How election-integrity research stopped ) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:30 BRT 2024
(Satire) driver's seat up-skirt feature driver'sseatup-skirtfeature)) ... Mon Jun 17 09:43:29 BRT 2024
Urgent: The Voting Rights Act ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:20 BRT 2024
Illicit Israeli influence campaign, US ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:19 BRT 2024
Libertarian Party manifesto, US ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:18 BRT 2024
Supreme Court on abortion pills ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:18 BRT 2024
Alitos vow revenge for criticism ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:17 BRT 2024
Putin demands territory for peace ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:16 BRT 2024
Person's pay vs their true value ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:15 BRT 2024
Labour touts economic growth ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:15 BRT 2024
Phoenix Police Dept as thugs ) ... Sun Jun 16 08:06:14 BRT 2024
How Hush-money-verdict attacks amplify ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:44:02 BRT 2024
Invasive "runner" bamboo, UK ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:44:01 BRT 2024
How Cherán beat the Avocado cartel, MEX ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:59 BRT 2024
Alito's religious bias against abortion ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:59 BRT 2024
Hostage rescue operation, Gaza ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:58 BRT 2024
Hostage rescue carnage, Gaza ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:57 BRT 2024
Heat takes out ralliers, Las Vegas ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:57 BRT 2024
Lawmakers' stock trades as indicator ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:56 BRT 2024
IEA on clean-energy investment rates ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:55 BRT 2024
New pun ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:55 BRT 2024
ICC: war crimes against civilians, RUS ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:54 BRT 2024
John Deere farm-out, MEX ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:54 BRT 2024
Green Party as labourer's genuine rep ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:53 BRT 2024
Hunter Biden found guilty: the responses ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:52 BRT 2024
Urgent: How to get Israel to cease fire ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:51 BRT 2024
Urgent: How to end "Citizens" United ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:50 BRT 2024
Urgent: Teachers carrying guns in school ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:49 BRT 2024
Urgent: Right to Contraception Act ) ... Sat Jun 15 08:43:49 BRT 2024
Climate litigation delayed ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:39 BRT 2024
Millions of citizens lack document access ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:38 BRT 2024
Kroger strike plan ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:38 BRT 2024
Political donation ban ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:36 BRT 2024
UK Green Party manifesto ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:36 BRT 2024
Israel and Hamas both committed war crimes ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:35 BRT 2024
Mozilla Firefox's censorship ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:35 BRT 2024
Shepherd killed in West Bank ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:34 BRT 2024
Violent crime decline, US ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:33 BRT 2024
Security council agrees on Gaza plan ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:32 BRT 2024
Gen Z visions of 2024 elections, USA ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:31 BRT 2024
Not accountable to account holders, FB ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:28 BRT 2024
Social media chat botted, FB ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:27 BRT 2024
New eqpt measures air pollution, LA ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:26 BRT 2024
Banks' risk-mgmnt failures, Amazonia ) ... Sat Jun 15 05:56:25 BRT 2024
Columbia censorship ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:35 BRT 2024
Cheaters ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:34 BRT 2024
Microsoft Recall concerns ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:34 BRT 2024
Economics and morality ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:33 BRT 2024
(Satire) 3 of every procedure 3ofeveryprocedure)) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:32 BRT 2024
Landslide likelihood increasing ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:31 BRT 2024
Urgent: Election Worker and Polling Place Protection Act ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:30 BRT 2024
109 Palestinians killed to rescue 4 hostages ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:30 BRT 2024
Urgent: FHA energy standards ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:29 BRT 2024
Urgent: Reject face recognition in schools ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:28 BRT 2024
Urgent: Judge Cannon's rescue from corrupter's case ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:27 BRT 2024
Urgent: global heating ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:26 BRT 2024
Forgotten lessons of history ) ... Wed Jun 12 05:56:26 BRT 2024
When "ownership" is questionable, ROU ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:31 BRT 2024
Israeli plot intercepted, 9th circuit ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:31 BRT 2024
Urgent: Supreme Justices' Trump-cases recusals ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:30 BRT 2024
Urgent: Ind. sues EPA over coal limits ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:29 BRT 2024
Right and left wing devt, EU ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:28 BRT 2024
US as a democracy as per Putin ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:28 BRT 2024
Nuclear options, UK ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:26 BRT 2024
Urgent: Accountability for Israel in Gaza ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:26 BRT 2024
Unsafe vagueness in abortion decisions ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:25 BRT 2024
Workers for Uber and Lyft, MN ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:24 BRT 2024
US justice system assaults ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:23 BRT 2024
Deepfake political scams, FB ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:22 BRT 2024
Disloyal flags in high places, AZ ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:19 BRT 2024
A Boeing quality quash ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:13 BRT 2024
Nigel Farage splashed by milkshake, UK ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:10 BRT 2024
Urgent: Zero-waste delivery by Amazon ) ... Mon Jun 10 11:55:06 BRT 2024
Drug pollution ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:50 BRT 2024
More intense cyclones may devastate seabirds ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:49 BRT 2024
Netanyahu wants no peace in Gaza ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:48 BRT 2024
Public services on brink of collapse ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:48 BRT 2024
Musk and the Bully/Corrupter ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:47 BRT 2024
Urgent: End support of Israeli atrocities ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:46 BRT 2024
Urgent: Protect public servants' retirement ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:44 BRT 2024
Urgent: End corporation tax loopholes ) ... Sun Jun 09 17:55:41 BRT 2024
Young child hunger ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:28 BRT 2024
Starvation in Gaza now ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:27 BRT 2024
On banning fossil-fuel advertising, UN ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:27 BRT 2024
Covert marketing, fast food, AUS ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:26 BRT 2024
Widening targets on both sides, UKR ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:26 BRT 2024
Urgent: Tax the rich ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:25 BRT 2024
Urgent: COP29, oil boss organizer ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:24 BRT 2024
Urgent: Free-software tax returns ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:24 BRT 2024
Urgent: Sue big fossil fuel ) ... Sun Jun 09 05:55:22 BRT 2024
Some big vote-suppression plans, USA ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:30 BRT 2024
Elon Musk trying to install a US govt. ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:29 BRT 2024
Urgent: Working peoples' vs billionaires ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:25 BRT 2024
Urgent: The FOREST Act for forests ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:24 BRT 2024
Urgent: Protect birth control and abortion ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:23 BRT 2024
Modi's party not a legislative majority ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:22 BRT 2024
Another Labour MP running as Independent ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:22 BRT 2024
Cut public services, boost NYPD? NYC ) ... Sat Jun 08 11:53:21 BRT 2024
(Satire) Name your representatives Nameyour_representatives)) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:53 BRT 2024
Nakba scholarship censored, two US Uni. ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:52 BRT 2024
Renewable targets missed ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:52 BRT 2024
Urgent: New England power grid bills ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:51 BRT 2024
CO2 emissions trading system fraud, EU ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:50 BRT 2024
Netanyahu's speech to congress boycotted ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:50 BRT 2024
Closing US-MEX border ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:49 BRT 2024
Voter-fraud fear exploit ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:49 BRT 2024
Dr Anthony Fauci's family: death threats ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:48 BRT 2024
Insurrectionists charged, WI ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:47 BRT 2024
Ocean health ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:47 BRT 2024
New president extraordinaire, MEX ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:45 BRT 2024
Shoplifting stats soaring, UK ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:45 BRT 2024
War as political gain, ISR ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:44 BRT 2024
Youngsters' musical autonomy ) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:43 BRT 2024
(Satire) Deportation order Deportationorder)) ... Fri Jun 07 09:21:42 BRT 2024
Urgent: Global heating ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:51 BRT 2024
Socialism ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:51 BRT 2024
Urgent: Medical Insurance practices ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:50 BRT 2024
Kafkaesque ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:50 BRT 2024
Urgent: Sales of assault rifles ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:49 BRT 2024
The business of food ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:49 BRT 2024
Food prices ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:48 BRT 2024
HAMAS still strong ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:47 BRT 2024
Urgent: Weaponizing Israel ) ... Thu Jun 06 08:26:46 BRT 2024
U of C protesters' punishments ) ... Thu Jun 06 05:53:39 BRT 2024
Recent horrible air strike, Gaza ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:55 BRT 2024
Urgent: End sanctions against Venezuela ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:55 BRT 2024
Urgent: Ban US gas export facilities ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:54 BRT 2024
Urgent: End fossil fuel subsidies ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:53 BRT 2024
The Australian exit-trafficking crime ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:53 BRT 2024
Thug of hair-trigger violence ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:52 BRT 2024
The loser tough on crime ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:51 BRT 2024
Cease-fire deal fails ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:49 BRT 2024
Starmer's recent purge debacle, UK ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:47 BRT 2024
Alitos neighbor's tumultuous story ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:46 BRT 2024
Urgent: Justice Thomas Trump-case recusal ) ... Wed Jun 05 08:42:45 BRT 2024
Post office as foreign owned, UK ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:58 BRT 2024
Samsung attacks repair process ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:57 BRT 2024
Cory Doctorow on Biden polity ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:56 BRT 2024
Urgent: Biden's IRS budget ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:56 BRT 2024
Urgent: Billionaire Minimum Income Tax ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:55 BRT 2024
Urgent: Human rights to utilities ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:54 BRT 2024
Coca Cola publicity ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:54 BRT 2024
Officials threaten journalists, ISR ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:53 BRT 2024
Guantanamo prosecutorial misconduct ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:52 BRT 2024
US cease-fire plan, ISR ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:52 BRT 2024
Urgent: Divest from war industry ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:51 BRT 2024
Voter-ID law fiasco, UK ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:50 BRT 2024
Free-speech, voter suppression, KS ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:49 BRT 2024
Urgent: Election integrity online ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:49 BRT 2024
Urgent: Investigate Ted Cruz ) ... Tue Jun 04 01:46:48 BRT 2024
Cheater found very felonious by peers ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:52 BRT 2024
Urgent: Name prison after former president ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:51 BRT 2024
Urgent: Netanyahu congressional speech ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:50 BRT 2024
First climate accountability law, VT ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:49 BRT 2024
Urgent: Curb global heating ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:48 BRT 2024
All new fossil-fuel licences unneeded ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:47 BRT 2024
Spotify Car Thing device as e-waste ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:46 BRT 2024
Urgent: Republican plans for Social Security ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:45 BRT 2024
Columbia U. shift restricts due process ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:44 BRT 2024
Urgent: Stock-trading members of congress ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:42 BRT 2024
Urgent: State-Based Universal Health Care Act ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:38 BRT 2024
Urgent: Student debt relief ) ... Sun Jun 02 08:09:36 BRT 2024
Another Jan. 6 indictment, FL ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:57 BRT 2024
Subverting ICC investigations, ISR ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:56 BRT 2024
Gaza border-control complete, ISR ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:55 BRT 2024
Asylum-seeker round-ups speculative, UK ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:54 BRT 2024
Urgent: Devastation in Rafah ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:53 BRT 2024
Farmland PFAS ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:53 BRT 2024
Air pollution vs global heating ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:52 BRT 2024
Urgent: FB's CrowdTangle analysis tool ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:51 BRT 2024
Urgent: Clean energy transmission ) ... Sat Jun 01 23:53:51 BRT 2024

CategoryFreeSoftware, CategoryPerson

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