ThoughtStorms Wiki
AKA ESR theorist of OpenSource and author of TheCathedralAndBazaar. Also Political Libertarian
- New book TheArtOfUnixProgramming
Contrast RichardStallman, in fact see RaymondVsStallman
See also HackingIsASickMachoCulture, ReFactoring, DemographicsAndTheDustbinOfHistory, LibertarianismAndConservatism
CategoryPerson, CategorySoftware, CategoryPolitics
Backlinks (29 items)
- AgainstNetocracy
- BookList
- CoasesPenguin
- DavidGelernter
- DemographicsAndTheDustbinOfHistory
- DownstreamCredit
- EditorializingIsParallelizable
- FreeSoftware
- GettingPaidForContent
- HackerSocialists
- HackingIsASickMachoCulture
- HiddenGiftEconomy
- LittleLanguages
- OnHacking
- OpenSource
- PythonLanguage
- Pythonista
- RaymondVsStallman
- ReFactoring
- RichardStallman
- TOAAllTechnical
- TheArtOfUnixProgramming
- TheCathedralAndBazaar
- TheCathedralAndTheBazaar
- TheFreeSoftwarePhenomenon
- TheOriginalFreeUnix
- TopicsDiscussedHere
- WhatIsFreeMusic
- WikiIsNothingButLinkBins