ThoughtStorms Wiki
Very smart software management guy
Owns / runs GlitchPlatform
Now talking about BlockProtocol
Also HashAI
Greatest hits
- "Strategy Letters" (linked from PlatformWars/Logic, including CommoditizeYourComplements)
- PricingSoftware
- SocialInterfaces
- BugTrackersAsSocialSoftware
- HorizontalSoftwareAsDataStructure
Aside : This is interesting : "It's obvious, Spolsky says, and as fault-prone as a waiter giving kickbacks to the cook to fill their orders first. Humans " According to this : that's that's) exactly what does happen.
See also:
Backlinks (36 items)
- AGoodHack
- AltMoneyBarriersToEntry
- ArchitectureAstronauts
- BlockProtocol
- BondMarkets
- BrowserWars
- BugTrackers
- BugTrackersAsSocialSoftware
- DesktopManufacturing
- EBay
- EvolveSpamToBeUseful
- FogBugz
- GlitchPlatform
- GonzoMarketing
- GreatHackers
- GroupAsUser
- HandicapPrincipleVsLaziness
- HashAI
- HorizontalSoftwareAsDataStructure
- LoftCube
- MoneyAsNetworkProtocol
- OnAbstraction
- OnTesting
- OrganizationExceptionHandling
- OutSourcingAsAModularityMistake
- PluralityOfSoftwareLicenses
- QuickAndDirty
- ReFactoring
- SettingPrices
- SocialInterfaces
- SoftwareEatsWorld
- StackOverflow
- TheLogicOfPlatformWars
- ThePerfectRewrite
- TypesOfProgrammingLanguages
- UsabilityStuff