ThoughtStorms Wiki
CardiganBay allows you to embed ClojureLanguage code.
Including embedding a Clojure "workspace" to write code interactively, within a page.
I haven't featured this much on ThoughtStorms before because ThoughtStorms is a public facing site, exported as static html pages.
And until now, these workspaces haven't actually worked in that context.
Until now ...
Now I'm adding a Scittle/SmallClojureInterpreter dependency to ThoughtStorms, which allows these workspaces to be active.
Below is a simple example. Some very trivial code which can be run within the static page on ThoughtStorms.
See TwitterChopper for a simple, useful tool built in a workspace.
See more on CardiganBayWorkspacePublishing
0 PageNames containing "[:]workspace"
11 Pages containing " [:]workspace"
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