ThoughtStorms Wiki
A weapon of oppression in NetoCracy
In fact, in many ways, it's FakeNews that the netocrats use to establish power.
See more on PostModernismAndInformationOverload
To answer your question, if pre-modernism is associated with the age of "romanticism". And "modernism" is associated with "enlightenment", you can argue that post-modernism is the philosophy of the age of "Information Overload"
"The Democrats don't matter. The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit."
See also :
- CommunicationOverload
- HyperNormalization
- ConspiracyTheories
- SenseMaking as self-defence.
21st century wiki-brain
See WikiSick
AmyXZhang fighting it :
Backlinks (17 items)
- BloggersAreRappers
- CommunicationOverload
- ConspiracyTheoriesVsCriticalRationalism
- FireHosing
- InformationGlut
- MeaningCrisis
- MediaInTheAgeOfFakeNews
- MemeticEcosystem
- MoveFastAndBreakThings
- MyFearsAboutAI
- NetoCracy
- Netocracy2023
- PostModernismAndInformationOverload
- SenseMaking
- SignEverything
- TelevisionWithABuyButton
- WeaponizedNonsense