ThoughtStorms Wiki
Google's video sharing site. Has transformed the web and is major contributor to EducationExploded
I love it for MusicEducationYouTube
LongYouTubeVideos are kinda hilarious.
But it has a disturbing ability to push people to the FarRight
- MarshallMcLuhan would probably understand.
Algorithmic "related" choice, plus obsessed kids and GreaterInternetFuckWads means that Kids' YouTube can get pretty weird and disturbing.
Success on YouTube
See also :
Backlinks (23 items)
- BillGatesOnTV
- BloggingPersonalizes
- CardiganBayFeatures
- DigitalGardenShearingLayers
- EducationExploded
- FarRight
- FindingRSSFeeds
- GravelInstitute
- InteractiveTelevision
- KhanAcademy
- LongYouTubeVideos
- MicroComputers
- MusicEducationYouTube
- MusicTheory
- PoliticalPartiesVsTheMedia
- PopularFront
- SynthUI
- TedIsTheNewHarvard
- TheMediumIsTheMessage
- TheToolsWagTheDog
- YouTubeCopyrightStrikes
- YouTuber