ThoughtStorms Wiki
Extensible Markup Language
See also :
- ADocumentIsNotATree
- What's wrong with XML/1.1?
- the church of XML : http://www.zefhemel.com/archives/2004/09/12/the-church-of-xml
XML has failed
XML is for two things : to allow more character sets than ASCII to be sent as structured documents, to control the excessive liberality of file-formats. In both senses it's failed.
Other things on top
Maybe I don't really get on with it due to : EdgeLabelledVsNodeLabelled
Backlinks (24 items)
- ADocumentIsNotATree
- AnotherAttemptToReinventTheInternet
- CodeGenerationInXSLT
- EdgeLabelledVsNodeLabelled
- ElectionMarkupLanguage
- GrowingALanguage
- HeavySemanticWeb
- JonUdellsTwoCultures
- MicroContent
- MicroFormats
- ProgrammingLanguagePlatformWar
- RdfHammer
- Schematron
- SemanticIntegration
- SmartAscii
- SpaceAndModularizingWebPages
- StandoffMarkup
- SubText
- Syncato
- WebServiceDesignPatterns
- WhatsEssentialInWiki
- XmlVsPython