ThoughtStorms Wiki
Author of the PentagonsNewMap. US military thinker. Though now he seems to be complaining that they aren't listening to him.
Appears like quite a smart thinker about FourthGenerationWar and GlobalGuerrillas but highly focused on his narrowly capitalist model of the world.
He sees current world situation as a conflict of "connectedness" (ie. capital connectedness) vs. "disconnectedness" (ie. any other kind of connection)
Update 2006 : there seems to be a bit more discussion of this question of GoodVsBadConnectivity due to Barnett and JohnRobb's differing thoughts :
- here's latest Barnett :
- comments at Robb's :
- I guess you can see Barnett as being a connectivity optimist, Robb as being a connectivity pragmatista and WilliamLind as connectivity pessimist.
Might as well read his blog though :
A good guest opinion piece (in a wargaming magazine) outlining his world view : (War (War in a context of everything else) Discusses all down-stream effects of the US war on terror.
This whole thing raises an interesting ethical issue : JustWarsAgainstNetworks
Another very interesting piece : WarPersonalized
Jan, 2005 another interview :
New book : BarnettsBlueprint
NaomiKlein on the DisasterCapitalism (the reality of Barnett's SysAdmin)
Barnett answers FourthGenerationWar critics : - - They're too focused on military, and not enough on the business opportunities in "shrinking the gap"
Welcomes the US trade-deficit : (Comments (Comments are good)
Plans to wire-the-world with capitalism-in-a-box, ServiceOrientedArchitecture :
CategoryPerson, CategoryBlogger