ThoughtStorms Wiki
Context: OnSystems
(ReadWith) SystemsDynamics / OnSystems)
"Systems Thinking" is both the name of an interesting book which I'm going to explain ideas from at some point, and a more general topic.
I take it that a system is a network of heterogeneous components all of which can be interactive with an influence on each other.
A system is dynamic, it's constantly changing, though may be in an equilibrium of balancing forces, a limited cycle, a chaotic cycle or completely random.
See also :
- MIT teaching Systems Dynamics and Systems Thinking :
See also OnInterventions, SystemInflowRights, BusinessProcessManagement
Backlinks (38 items)
- AboutHolons
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- BusinessProcessManagement
- ChecklandMethodology
- ClosedSystems
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- JamesLovelock
- JamshidGharajedaghi
- MTVAndCycleOfPoverty
- Mattereum
- MediaAsFlowsAndStocks
- MediaSystem
- OnInterventions
- OnMethodology
- OnSystems
- PantheonisticThinking
- PermaCulture
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- ProductivityOfKnowledgeWork
- PurchasingStrategy
- Racism
- SubsumptionArchitecture
- SystemFailures
- SystemInflowRights
- SystemTheory
- SystemsDynamics
- SystemsTheories
- TheCityAsInformationSystem
- ThePurposeOfASystemIsWhatItDoes
- ThroughTheLookingGlass
- TypesOfComplexSystem
- TypesOfThinking
- WickedProblems