ThoughtStorms Wiki
What is Cogniron? : http://www.cogniron.org/
water-walking robot : http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040910/aponsc/waterwalkingrobot_1
Added 2018-10-08 : Originally 2017-08-08
CategoryRobotics, CategoryArtificialIntelligence, CategoryAlife
Quora Answer : What would be the major consumer product(s) of the next 50 years?
Robots are the one area where there is a lot of technological development going on. Not least with custom neural-net and AI chips and boards that are coming out : eg. from Google's Edge / CoralTPUs to Nvidia's Jetson.
But the consumer product side of things is still very embryonic. Consumer drones have done OK-ish. But other consumer robots are still basically toys or gimmicks that don't do enough. And the market really hasn't done well at all : Consumer Robots Had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year
We haven't quite figured it out yet. But we will. And then robots are going to be big.
Backlinks (30 items)
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- PaLM-E
- PhilipKDick
- PrintedRobots
- RoMeLa
- RoboFold
- RobotCarnivores
- RobotInsects
- RobotMonk
- RobotSafety
- RobotsAnd5G
- RodneyBrooks
- SexBots
- SpaceRobots
- StrandBeest
- SwarmRobotics