ThoughtStorms Wiki
Money is a network (or network protocol) conveying both information and power.
Money Policy
- AltMoney /
- ComplementaryCurrencies Alternative types of money can enshrine different ideals
- BernardLietaer's FourLevelMonetaryGearbox
- OpenSourceMoney
- OPTIMAES is an open project I helped found to investigate it.
But ...
- BlockChains and CryptoCurrency like BitCoin
See also OnMarkets, OnProperty
Backlinks (55 items)
- AddressableThings
- AltMoney
- BankNote
- CreditCards
- CurrencyDataFountain
- DeDollarization
- DigitalCurrency
- EnergyBackedCurrency
- FiatMoney
- FixedCurrency
- FourLevelMonetaryGearbox
- GoldBackedMoney
- GoogleJuice
- GrandFiatReset
- HumanDollars
- IdentityIsTheNewMoney
- IntellectualPropertyIdeasAndMoney
- ItsOnlyMoney
- KeithHart
- KulaRing
- LiberalBias
- LivingWithoutMoney
- MagicPenny
- MicroCredit
- MicroGifts
- MobilePhoneAsPaymentCard
- MoneyAndInformation
- MoneyAsAMedium
- MoneyAsNetworkProtocol
- MoneyInAnUnequalWorld
- MoneyIsChaosMagick
- MoneyIsLikeGravity
- MoneyIsZeroSum
- MultiDimensionalMoney
- NickSzabo
- OnMarkets
- OnProperty
- OnlinePayment
- OpenSourceMoney
- ReligionAgainstMoney
- ReligionAndMoney
- RightWingBlogMobsVsLeftWingAcademics
- RightWingFinanceOnTheGreatReset
- SinewsOfWar
- StartingPoints
- TheUltimatePlatformWar
- ThemesOfThisWiki
- TopicsDiscussedHere
- TwitterIsMoney
- TypesOfMarkets
- TypesOfWriters
- UsDollar
- VinayOnMoney
- WhatIsMoney
- WritingMoneyMagic