ThoughtStorms Wiki
Finally it looks like there'll be a standard for applications running in TheBrowser to use the local FileSystem
This is fantastic news and will be revolutionary. Almost all software can now be delivered in the form of downloadable apps, running in the browser.
Particularly it will make browser-based IDEs far more useful now they can interact with other local tools and resources. Eg. a CloudBasedIDE could now export the final object code to the user's machine. Cloud-based audio software
In conjunction with WebAssembly (which allows almost any language to be compiled to fast bytecode for the JS Virtual Machine) we'll have desktop quality apps without installation or restrictions available at a click.
12 PageNames containing "Browser"
- AuthoringBrowser
- BeakerBrowser
- BillSeitzObjectBrowser
- BrowserExtension
- BrowserWars
- NewBrowsers
- RefactoringBrowser
- RefactoringBrowsers
- SpatialBrowser
- TheBrowser
- TouchGraphWikiBrowser
- VivaldiBrowser
45 Pages containing " Browser"
- AssemblageProgramming
- AuthoringBrowser
- BillSeitzObjectBrowser
- BrowserExtension
- BrowserWars
- ChatApps
- CloudBasedIDE
- Cloudmacs
- DecompositionByLanguageIsProbablyAModularityMistake
- DoesAbstractionScale
- FileSystemAccess
- Gbloink
- HypercoreProtocol
- IndieWebTools
- JavaScript
- LanguageModelAgents
- LibraryAthena
- Netscape
- NewBrowsers
- PlatformWars
- Promnesia
- RaidOnTumbolia
- ReFactoring
- RefactoringBrowser
- SmallTalk
- SmallTools
- SmalltalkNeedsANewUI
- SmartAcademicNotebook
- SocialNetworkAnalysis
- TabsAreTheNewBookmarks
- TextAsAFlower
- TheBrowser
- TheGutter
- TheHereWeb
- TouchGraph
- TraneLivecoding
- UsersFindAbstractionHard
- VenkateshRaoOnMetaVerse
- ViewSource
- VivaldiBrowser
- WebAssembly
- Wideboard
- Xanadu
- Zotero
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