ThoughtStorms Wiki
Context : SocialNetworkingSoftware
A defunct YASNS, the first I really engaged with and had a lot of interesting conversations on.
It's long gone now.
I met interesting people there, and learned a lot.
I also invented StupidTribeHacks.
See also :
Backlinks (34 items)
- AboutReputation
- AgainstNetocracy
- AgainstSocialNetworkingSoftware
- BlogNetworks
- BloggingForDollars
- EconomiesInVirtualPlaces
- EnergyBackedCurrency
- Enshittification
- ExclusiveInvites
- FirstDayAtNewSchool
- FixedCurrency
- GoogleJuice
- IlluminatiTheGame
- JustWarsAgainstNetworks
- ManualNetworkDiagrams
- MarketAsUserInterface
- MarketsAndNaturalResources
- ModernTribes
- NicheJobBoards
- OnGold
- PollutionRightBackedCurrency
- RyzeNetworking
- SocialNetworkingSoftware
- SocialNetworkingSoftwareAsReputationMarket
- StupidTribeHacks
- SustainableCultures
- TheCultOfCelebrity
- TheLeftTheoryOfDisagreement
- TypesOfMarkets
- VirtualWelfareState
- WhoIsMyFriend
- WikiInTheClassRoom
- YourPersonalNetworking
- ZbigniewLukasiak