
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Context: AlwaysOnPanopticon / PhantomAuthority

China (OnChina) has gamified being a good citizen? (It's GamificationAsControl)

Perhaps overblown, but certainly interesting and frightening video :

A more sober BBC article

tl;dr :

  • social network gives you a score for doing what government likes (posting on internet, buying)
  • will be mandatory in 2020
  • low scores may carry penalties (when dealing with government services, credit, on dating sites!)
  • "bad" friends hurt your score so try to either change your behaviour or ostracize you
  • calls this "goodthinkfulness" trustworthiness

It's Whuffie as a fiat currency

Compare :

Criticism of the concern :


Does it even exist? This guy is a pro-China propagandist, but could he be right?
