
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Another of the StupidTribeHacks.

This one inspired by the discussion on GeneralistsVsSpecialists

Now I have an idea for a new kind of YASN. A network of recovering generalists, each of who promises to specialize in a limited number of specific topics. However, the twist is, no two people can own the same topic. So if MacManus has bagged "Strategy" and "Knowledge Management" then no one else can have them.

Or maybe there are some rules for how other recovering generalists can buy or win ownership of certain topics. Or how topics can get subdivided. But generally, ownership of topic namespace would force the specialization.

Hence the YASN as a whole becomes a kind of CompetitiveArchitecture or RecommendationArchitecture.

Also, idea could become CompetitiveWiki or InfovoreWiki)

Heh, Generalists Anonymous. Hi my name is Richard MacManus and I'm a Generalist :-) nice one!

Of course the tribes / groups are long gone.

It was a funny idea.

See also :