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Quora Answer : How does the music of today compare to that of other time periods? (20's, 50's, late 80's)

Jun 19, 2018

1920s : African Americans blend influences from both African rhythmic and European harmonic traditions, and take advantage of new technologies to make a radically new and different type of music called jazz. White people say it's terrible, it's not music, it's diabolic and leading young people into sin. But are eventually won over and embrace it.

1950s : African Americans blend influences from both African rhythmic and European harmonic traditions, and take advantage of new technologies to make a radically new and different type of music called rock and roll. White people say it's terrible, it's not music, it's diabolic and leading young people into sin. But are eventually won over and embrace it.

1980s : African Americans blend influences from both African rhythmic and European harmonic traditions, and take advantage of new technologies to make a radically new and different type of music called HipHop. White people say it's terrible, it's not music, it's diabolic and leading young people into sin. But are eventually won over and embrace it.

2010s : African Americans blend influences from both African rhythmic and European harmonic traditions, and take advantage of new technologies to make a radically new and different type of music called trap. White people say it's terrible, it's not music, it's diabolic and leading young people into sin. But are eventually won over and embrace it.

Plus ça change

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