
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Someone on Quora pointed out that Cryptobro is a sexist term.

And I do kinda agree. Gendering the obnoxious behaviour of those who see BlockChain as a route to personal success and RightLibertarian transformation, is a sexist assumption. I try not to use the term "bro" in a derogatory way.

But sometimes it's just so damned descriptive of some people at the nastier end of the BitCoinCitadel / TESCREAL end of things that it's hard not to avoid falling into it. I am going to use it for the nexus of right-libertarians, pro-Trump Conservatives, and general ThroughTheLookingGlass people who love Trump, Bitcoin (and more general blockchain as a way to dismantle SocialDemocracy and the liberal state.)

Nevertheless, I apologize for the gendered term.

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