ThoughtStorms Wiki
Ottawa, Canada
- Retired from municipal planning
- Active in Green politics
- Co-own/manage Ottawa's carsharing organization
- Was member of 'Ecology of Knowledge' network
- Have read (and have sharable extracts/notes of) many of the tomes mentioned on this site:
- Alexander
- Simon
- Brand
- Jacobs
- Allen, Tim (ecological hierarchies)
- Benyus, Janine ('biomimicry')
- Doxiadis (in Ekistics, 17-level physical hierarchy)
Don't have own website, but starting to build one now.
Can send papers/speeches in .txt, .wpd
- "The Green Transportation Hierarchy"
- "Using Our Feet to Reduce Our FootPrint" (published in journal, Local Environment)
- "Creating - and Using - A Neighbourhood Walkability Index"
- "The Walk-and-Roll City: A City without Cars, Trucks, or Buses"
- "Informal Participation: A Networking Approach to Planning"
- "S.H.I.P.: the Scalar-Hierarchy Integrity Principle"
Chris Bradshaw
hearth AT
Hi Chris,
Welcome to ThoughtStorms, I'm sure we have a lot to talk about. Feel free to dive in and comment / criticise anywhere :-)
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