
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Founder of MinciuSodas

Phi, thank you for your links to our proposal and thoughts on "worst connected".

Please know, you're welcome to free membership at our lab in recognition of your wiki in the public domain, a contribution to the public wealth. As a member you're welcome to participate at our working groups, and we function as a networking club. Our membership form is at Andrius

: Thanks Andrius, I have been thinking about this before, but never quite figured out how to phrase things for your forms. Will get round to it. regards PhilJones

Phil, Great! You've done the work for free already (this wiki) so it should be straightforward. Also, please check out I'm, I'm interested to connect up groups (and possibly Wikis, blogs, through RSS feeds) with material in the public domain.

See WorstConnected, MinciuSodas

CategoryPerson, CategoryBlogger