
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Some pages covering the clean-up of ThoughtStorms





Actually the HelloWorld page tells some of this story. Especially this paragraph

Transcluded from HelloWorld


That involves several challenges. Much of the writing here is part of a wider discussion across the web, linking to blogs that have disappeared, companies that have gone bust, people who were famous in their respective micro-scenes but are almost forgotten as internet time moves on.

How much does restoration require recreating and filling in the blanks of those old conversations, vs. just deleting them altogether vs. trying to extract some essential ideas stripping away the historical cruft?

That's one of the questions I'm trying to answer as I clean up here. The criteria for recreating vs. ForgettingInThoughtStorms.

Another challenge is that wiki is a huge / flat / intertwingled BigBallOfMud. But most people don't want to consume that. (Only dung-beetles really consume big balls of mud)

The new ThoughtStorms will eventually be separated into "zones" or some kind of separate thematic entities. How can the tools and facilities in Cardigan Bay help that?