ThoughtStorms Wiki
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world." – Morpheus, The Matrix
Why Indie Web Camp?
We've seen our data die on 3rd party sites, and we've stored our content in places that we have no control over. This content is becoming more important, and sometimes even critical to our lives. It is not secure in the hands of random startups, organizations and web companies. We should be the holders of our own data.
Rather than posting content on many third-party silos of data, we should all begin owning our own data that we're creating when we create it. Publish short status updates first on your own domain, and then syndicate to Twitter. Publish photos on your own domain, then syndicate to Flickr, etc, etc. This is the basis of the "Indie Web" movement.
Why Indie Web?
We, the organizers of IndieWebCamp want that as well, and have started building it for ourselves.
Join us and together we can grow the IndieWeb.
(More motivational examples/citations linked from: "Itches&Scratches: sharecropping and site death" - 2010-199 Federated Social Web Summit talk by Tantek)
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