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"US Containment" arguments are extremely controversial; and tend to represent a gulf in thinking between US citizens and the rest of the world. In the US, such intuitions are dismissed as mere jealousy or irrational anti-americanism.

But there is a rational case to be made.

In no field are unopposed absolute powers desirable. That's why in all good states, government consists of checks and balances consisting of multiple institutions. Why justice is best served by adversarial lawyers and monopolies and trusts have to be broken up.

The rest of the world intuitively feels it's interest is best served by the US being locked into a similar balance of powers. Anything which works the other way, to consolidate the power of the US - for example a war which eliminates even minor resistance to the US, not to mention giving it full control over the world's oil supply, and reason to feel confident about the success of further military ventures - is regretable.

This probably sounds absurd to a US citizen. (Ha ha, you whinging

losers! / seriously, surely the population of the world can trust us

with all this power?)

I suggest all lovers of feedom will observe that since the failure of

democracy in the US in 2000, a non-elected government has been passing

legislation to restrict freedom and privacy among it's own citizens. Has

taken hundreds of people into custoday without trial. Held many foreign

persons in legal limbo of camp X-ray. In other words, behaved no better

than any other government when it's threatened.

See also AntiAmericanism

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