
ThoughtStorms Wiki

A counter to TheAgeOfAmateurs

Guess this is the standard economist's argument.

Those constraints, such as needing to make money to preserve institutional integrity provide a kind of discipline, which prevents people going off in a direction which suits them but fails to achieve the overall ends of the community. For example, the community may get bogged down in internal squabbles about the "best" design rather than pump out some code that works for users.


The audience will provide the same feedback. And to a certain extent, members joining or leaving the community of amateurs. Only those networks which also deliver will survive. Others will simply disintegrate. In fact, this disciplining Darwinian survival of the fittest is more acute in the case of amateur communities with nothing else to hold them together.

This, of course, may lead on to an opposite criticism /TooFragile

See also OnMarkets

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