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Standard playbook for the far-right : Once you've fucked up the country sufficiently, use that as an excuse to put the army in charge to "fix it".
— phil jones (he/him - ele) @interstar@artoot.xyz (@interstar) July 12, 2023
Standard playbook for the far-right : Once you've fucked up the country sufficiently, use that as an excuse to put the army in charge to "fix it".You think this is crazy? I live in Brazil where this discourse is typical: From "support our troops", to "soldiers are the best of us" to "if only the noble generals were in charge we wouldn't be in the state that these venal politicians put us in".
Another thing to understand. Tories, like US GOP and other rightists, fuck up the running of the state (particularly NHS etc.) because they don't WANT it to work. They are incompetent "democratic politicians" because they want to discredit democratic politics.
The end game is to replace democracy and popular political control over resources, with a society run by a) corporations, and b) a minimal state without democracy, whose only job is to protect the property and interests of the rich. Which a junta of generals will handle just fine.
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