
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Context : ThoughtStormsAtlas

(ReadWith) Israel

I have my own IsraelPalestineProposal which I think is more practical than this.


But this has some good overall background and understanding.

The Israeli's are demanding the impossible from any Palestinian leader. Whether out of naivity (if only Arafat had tried really hard he'd have been able to stop the attacks on Israel) or a deliberate attempt to undermine the Palestinian leader and hence it's political organization, it's not clear.

Here's my question on Palestine which I don't know the answer to. Can anyone help?

Presumably Palestinians in the occupied territories can't vote for representatives in the Israeli parliament. (eg. this is different from NorthernIreland.) OTOH what about the Israeli settlers? Do they have a vote in the parliament? For which "electoral region"?


A beating in 80s Gaza : https://twitter.com/itranslate123/status/1400517169339899909