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Quora Answer : Are people fundamentally good or bad in general?

Apr 17, 2015

People are fundamentally copiers.

They grow up copying the norms of their parents, and older people around them.

When people around them donate to charity, they grow up donating to charity. When people around them are prejudiced, they act and talk prejudiced. When people around them are easily irritated and get into pointless quarrels and vendettas, they are quick to join in. When people around them are happy to pay taxes to support the common good, they pay up without complaint. But when people around them carp about it, then they feel equally aggrieved.

If your peers have human sacrifice, you won't see much wrong with it. Or with exposing babies to weed out the weak. Or with a military culture that demands your sons go to war. Or with hating the police and considering snitching to be the ultimate betrayal.

Interesting Muslim view on human morality. And critiquing Western / Christian view of morality.

In same ways has parallels with some ReturnOfTheRepressed stuff.