
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Q : I notice you always just show links to external URLs rather than make more meaningful and readable link text. Why?

A : Several advantages

  • quicker to bung them in. I don't need to use any special (even wiki) markup
  • can be easily copied and pasted into another browser window, email, search boxes, word processor documents etc.
  • easier to read in edit mode
  • you can see where the link goes to. For example, you can often recognise that a comment is on a particular weblog. That may affect whether you want to read it at the moment.

Q : Actually I now see you do occassionally hide external links

A : Yep, I've mellowed on this principle. Sometimes there are links with long id numbers as parameters, and these can stretch wider than the screen. Maybe a piece of useful design to make the text more readable, or maybe a bad violation of principle. I'll see how my feelings evolve on this.

Part of OnWiki, CategoryWiki, WikiNorms, FaQ

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