ThoughtStorms Wiki
Amazingly cool DigitalArtist, who writes Clojure, libraries for 3D modelling (including some I've used in my own SoftwareThatMakesStuff)
AKA ToxicLabs ?
His main site seems to be ThiNg
Not much home-page but here : http://workshop.thi.ng/
(BTW I loved the web-design of that workshop page. It is undoubtedly one of my favourites on the web. Unfortunately he's updated the main site. The main site is OK, but the old design of the site, which that workshop page still has (as of early 2023) is awesome.)
Making NFTs here : https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/26702
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Kind of would be one of my ThoughtStormsGurus if I actually thought I could be like him
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