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Quora Answer : Doesn't anyone in the Gun control group realize criminals will not stop using guns just because the law says so?

Feb 1, 2019

They don't realize it because it's not true.

In countries where guns are illegal, and where it is a criminal offence to have a gun you shouldn't have, then guns are, indeed, rarer even among criminals.

It's difficult. And expensive. To get hold of a gun to use for criminal activity. And very, very risky to hold onto one. If the police stop and search your car when you're carrying one, you are immediately going to end up in serious trouble.

That's why, in the UK, criminals have only a few guns and rent them to each other, at exorbitant fees, when they really feel they need them. And many criminals go out to commit crimes without guns. And therefore never shoot anyone.

If guns are easy and risk free, why would you burgle a house or shop without a gun as backup?

But in the UK, where guns aren't cheap, easy or risk free, most house breakers and thieves work without guns. And if the home owner or security guard catches them, they usually just run away. Although occasionally they might fight first and then run away. Fatalities are rare.

The assumption of your question is wrong. When guns are illegal, criminals do, indeed, use them less.

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