
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Context: GreatArt

Contrast : BadMusic

As a computer musician sometimes I listen to music made by "real musicians" and wonder at it. At music from great orchestras, or great bands or even great session musicians. It sounds so much better than the crude electronic sound of my computer. Even though I love electronic sounds and ElectronicMusic (for reasons given on that page)

I have no mystical belief in human superiority to machines. But what I realize, of course, is that when you have a composer writing a score for a human orchestra, you literally have the combined creativity and intuition of 60+ people involved in creating the final product. And an institution which has been developed to "orchestrate" and combine the synergies of all of those people.

It needs hard discipline and huge talent. But the real thing is there is a CollectiveIntelligence which is successfully put together to get the best of the Egregore. (A slightly different take on NetworksAndMusicalEcology)

Transcluded from BadMusic

Quora Answer : What does bad music sound like?

Nov 25, 2019

Bad music sounds like the people who make it either :

  • don't care. They're just making music for some other reason, to make money, or to be famous, not because they love music for itself. Or they're going through the motions because they are now established making this kind of music, and they don't know what to do except try to make another record. It's become a "day job".
  • care too much about "getting it right" and it sounds like a dead copy of someone else.

Music which is good is the opposite.

It sounds like the musician really wants to explore and play and find something that's theirs, that they can love.

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