
ThoughtStorms Wiki

Context : OnProperty

EricRaymond defines an alternative notion of ownership for OpenSource / FreeSoftware. It's the right to be known as the creator of this "gift" to the community. To earn the attention or egoboo for it. (See TheFreeSoftwarePhenomenon)

I'll call this attention property. It's not quite the same as attention which is the term I'll use for an actual sort of stuff, which lubricates a kind of economy. Attention property stands for the kind of rights you think you have (or demand to have) over something. Not a right to restrict it's distribution, but a right to be recognised.

As it becomes impossible to trap ideas in scarce media-tokens (like CDs or Videos), we may very well see more of this :

  • programmers want their name kept in the comments of their source-code
  • advertizers who sponsor television want their name / message kept in the video stream
  • In TheWorldOfHipHop, rappers who obsessively stamp their name on their music. (Grafitti writers do this too, of course) The lyrics are more and more self-obsessed. This is who I am. This is my history. My name is. My name is. My name is.
  • Of course, the rise of brands is a shift to attention property. The most important thing I make is my logo (OnBranding)

See also :