
ThoughtStorms Wiki

I'm genuinely in two minds about this. I see the arguments on both sides.

I might be in favour of legalizing it because I think it will help many people avoid unnecessary suffering, and that it should be their right to do this. On the other hand I see exactly how there might be huge emotional blackmail or other pressure put on people to end their lives when they aren't fully willing to do so. I'd like to say that there should be medical grounds, but I think that even this can be gamed.

Maybe something like, if the doctor is already prescribing you morphine for continuous pain, there's a right to suicide. But even then it's not foolproof.

Also, as with my point about prostitution (see PoliticalStuff), if there's UniversalBasicIncome the pressures on people to kill themselves for financial reasons would be greatly diminished, and therefore this would be a safer option.

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